Building Condition Assessment & Feasibility Study – Gordon Brockington, Queens University
Philip Brearton, Project Executive
Kelly Worden, Project Manager
Pierre Bartkowiak, Manager, Area 2
Queens University retained Cion Corp. to conduct a feasibility study for the Gordon Brockington House Student Residence. The six-storey, approximately 340,000 sqft building was purpose built in 1964 to house approximately 425 students.
Cion conducted a detailed assessment of all building systems including structural, mechanical, electrical and architectural systems. Using Uniformat Level II protocols, each major building component was assessed with descriptions, quantities, predictions of remaining service life and replacement life. All components were photographed along with representative photos of building deficiencies. An Asset Management Plan (AMP) was provided in Excel format. A feasibility study was then completed with a design opinion from NORR Architects regarding the costs and benefits of renovating the building to ‘as- new’ performance and condition versus replacing the building with new. Cion presented a ‘decision-matrix’ to Queens University management in a working session to weigh hard and soft benefits and costs associated with the repair and replacement options.
Upon completion of the above assignment, our team was retained to conduct intrusive inspection of immediate concerns such as building areas prone to pipe freezing and water leak prone stone masonry façades. Multiple water tests and a severe air leakage condition was successfully and economically resolved.