Building Condition Assessments – Toronto Public Library
Kelly Worden, Senior Project Manager
Gail Rankin, Senior Manager Facilities Management, Toronto Public Library
Pierce St. Amant, Project Leader, Capital Projects Facilities Management, Toronto Public Library
Cion Corp. (under the TPL jurisdiction). Bidders were invited to submit a quotation for architectural, building envelope, roofing and quality surveying, along with structural, mechanical, electrical, lighting, vertical transportation and civil engineering consulting services required to provide an indication of the present physical condition of the Library’s facilities, which ranged in age from heritage to newly constructed.
The assessment audit methodology involved the on-site inspection of each Library facility. The objectives of the property condition assessment audits and fifteen (15) year life cycle costing were:
• perform an onsite inspection and report on all listed Library facilities in order to establish existing physical conditions of all property components
• establish the life cycle expectancy of property components in each Library facility
• determine the costs of the capital required to budget for the repair and replacement of all property components.